Skate race
Bus leaves CVU at 7:30 AM directions to Strafford Nordic Center from their website from google
DISTANCE: The varsity (A) race is 6km - 3 laps on a 2km course. The B course is 4km - 2 laps on the same 2km course. Our course is very spectator-friendly -- much of the course is visible to spectators from the lower fields.
10:15am - Varsity boys followed by Varsity girls 5 minutes later. Please have your skiers ready to go on time. All races are mass start.
WHERE: The race is at Strafford Nordic Center. The race course will be marked off, however the rest of the trail system will still be open to the public. The start and finish of our course will be marked with signage and flagging. Buses will be directed to parking upon arrival. Check-in will be in the lodge for coaches only. Directions are on our website
Bus leaves CVU at 7:30 AM directions to Strafford Nordic Center from their website from google
DISTANCE: The varsity (A) race is 6km - 3 laps on a 2km course. The B course is 4km - 2 laps on the same 2km course. Our course is very spectator-friendly -- much of the course is visible to spectators from the lower fields.
10:15am - Varsity boys followed by Varsity girls 5 minutes later. Please have your skiers ready to go on time. All races are mass start.
WHERE: The race is at Strafford Nordic Center. The race course will be marked off, however the rest of the trail system will still be open to the public. The start and finish of our course will be marked with signage and flagging. Buses will be directed to parking upon arrival. Check-in will be in the lodge for coaches only. Directions are on our website