Suggested Strength Workouts
Plyo Workouts
100 yds hop on 1 foot (1x each foot) 100 yd Double foot hops (dbl pole) 100 yd Skate hops UPHILL: - side crossovers 3 x each leg - classic bounding 3 x - V2 double hops each leg 3x DON"T FORGET TO CHECK OUT CXC ACADEMY FOR STRENGTH ROUTINE IDEAS
Summer Fitness Center Routine
- Warm Up: push ups, squats, jumping jacks- 25 each OR 5 min on rowing machine - Chest press on exercise ball 2 sets x 15 reps - Lateral Raise Skate Step Ups w/ weight-30 step ups - Bicep Curl to Overhead press w/ Wt 2x15 - Lat Pull down (machine) 2x 15 - Cable pull ups with squat 2x15 - Burpees 10 (w/ or w/out wts) - Tricep dips 2x15 |
Change it up!
- Warm up- rowing or 25 each push ups, squats, jumping jacks - Chest press on ex. ball 3x15 - RDL with wts. 3x15 - Bentover rows w/wts 3x15 - Tricep dips 3x10 - Balance on bosu ball - tucks, one leg, squats... 3x15 each leg - Russian twists w/wts 3x25 - Med Ball Passes w/ friend 3x20 each side - Pikes and reverse Pikes 3x25 each -push ups or windshield wiper push ups 3x15 - Roll outs with ex. ball 3x25 - Agility Ladder: front and back shuffle, lateral leg swings from box to box - One leg Overhead slams with med ball standing on balance pillow 3x15 each leg - Rollouts (pizza cutters) on ex ball 3x25 - Side lunge/squat with weight (goblet side squats) 3x15 each leg - Front lunges (back leg on bench) 3x15 each leg |
Need help getting motivated?
Try a 30 Day Challenge for a specific muscle area OR the 30 Day Total Body Challenge |